Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Live for Today.

What is tomorrow? Is it 24 hours from now? Is it "after I've slept"? What exactly is tomorrow?

We all hold on for the hope and the promise of tomorrow. When we have a crummy day, we often think "tomorrow is a new day", or "tomorrow will be better", but why don't we look at Today? Why do we put off Today, for Tomorrow?

Living in the now is VERY hard to do. Tomorrow I may not have enough money. Tomorrow I have to work. Tomorrow I have an appointment. Tomorrow I'll clean the house. Tomorrow I'll book that vacation. Tomorrow I'll ______.

Like most people, I have a job, a child, chores, friends, a partner, family... it's all too easy to say "I'll do that tomorrow"  I am busy, or I am lazy. Or I get a case of the "I simply don't want to's".

But really, what are we waiting for? Are we waiting for the excuse of tomorrow? Do you really think that tomorrow will bring better than today can?

I think I'll make the choice, to do all the things I can in a day. If I can live with not completing it because I may never wake up tomorrow, then I will take those things and put them aside. If they're things that I need to take care of now, because tomorrow will only prolong the suffering/avoidance, etc.. then I will take those things and face them head on.

I don't want tomorrow to be an excuse for not living for today. I choose to live in the now.

Someone wonderful, and close to me said "The past is yesterday, the future is tomorrow, but you can only live for today, which is why they call it "The Present". Its a gift."

So, I choose to accept my gift :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Community Yoga

So, I have a friend who let me know about Free Yoga in the Park!

I think this is an amazing benefit for those who want to experience yoga, without the expense! They have programs like this all over the place too, not just in Red Deer! I will be taking FULL advantage of this, as well as our other community (free) resources for being healthy!

In Vancouver (or otherwise), if you were wanting to participate in yoga, just check out your local Lululemon store, they always have free classes there. (just go here!)

Google  your area, to see what is being offered for you and yours!

Karma yoga (Sanskrit: कर्म योग), or the "discipline of action" is a form of yoga based on the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred Sanskrit scripture of Hinduism. Of the four paths to realization, karma yoga is the science of achieving perfection in action. Karma yoga is an intrinsic part of many derivative types of yoga, such as Natya Yoga.

I have been reading the Bhagavad Gita.. its an amazing read.

Time to get back into my buddhist readings and teachings, as I have let them slide for far too long.


Thursday, June 9, 2011


Have you ever felt hopeless? I mean.. truly and utterly hopeless? Unable to make any changes in anything that seems to be going on around you hopeless? I feel that way right now.

I have so many situations that I really have no control over, going on in my life right now, and I am unable to just let them be so to speak. I am consumed with ways of trying to better them, fix them, make them right, and its in everything from my work, to a couple personal relationships I have, and no matter how much energy I invest into them, it doesn't seem to make a difference.

I have forgotten how to let go of situations that are out of my .. control.

It's really hopeless feeling, because I want to make it all right.

So, I do what I can, and I am sitting.. playing the waiting game now. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Monster Licenses

Haha so a friend of mine found me this page GO HERE NOW

I registered as a succubus hahahah

Please find the amusement in that with me... the certificate it in my purse ;)


Monday, June 6, 2011

IF you are squeamish about girl topics, read no further.

Dear Menstrual Cycle,

You are a necessary part of my life, I understand this. You help me cleanse my body and discard unnecessary tissues. Sweet. Thank you.

However, I feel the need to ask you a few questions, and have a few simple requests.

Why is it, that you come into my life like a hurricane, with might and fury that is relentless? I am just trying to live my life like any other woman. I would appreciate it if you would leave my hormones alone, because really, turning me into a weeping, needy woman even for a day every month is too much. I would appreciate it if you left a door knocker next time so that I know when to expect you.

Why is it, that you have to cost me so damned much? I mean, I already spend too much on things that a woman needs, and then to top it off, your irregularity in flow, tends to cost me that much more. Do you think of things like, the cost of products? The cost of electricity? How about the time you take from me? I didn't think you did. Lets try to be a little less selfish shall we, we have to share the same space, it's just kinder this way.

When you leave me crippled because of your need to expel things from my body, why is it that when I do the things I should, like feed you water, and stretch, and other various ways of coping.. you still have to punch me from the inside? Again, we share the same space, and if you keep this up, I may find myself asking you to move out. Please respect my personal space, and I will in turn continue to respect yours.

I hope you understand that I love you, and I know you have your reasons for doing all of the above, however, I hope that with this little conversation we have had, you will remember that you affect the lives of others.

Yours truly,


Sunday, June 5, 2011


I can't think of anything to write lately, I've had a serious mental block. 

I want to write, I want to express so much... but I just can't find the words to do it.