I read back through my blog often. I like to see my creative moments, and my thoughtfulness, see where my mind has gone. It looks like a lot of this was written recently, however a lot of it was poetry I wrote, compiled from a few different sources, combined here.
There are two posts I often read over and over again, but the one I'm interested in sharing, or re-sharing is this one because to me its really powerful.
"If I could do anything before I die, it would help people realize their own potential, that they are wonderful, that they are unique and special, that nothing in their pasts their present or their future should ever make them feel less than amazing. Less than what they are, because we are ALL capable of being amazing! We are ALL amazing."
It reminds me that we're all on our own path to finding something, and with teaching yoga, I think that I can achieve the above quote. I want to help people, help them find inner peace, love, acceptance, health, joy. I want to listen to their experiences, and share in their pain, make friends, and help people move on. Yoga is a nurturing, loving experience if you let it be. Most just take it for it's health benefits, but it's so much more.
As I end this year 2010, and move into 2011 with a new focus and new goals for life, I invite you to share with me your goals for 2011. I don't want to call them resolutions, because for most of us, its something we spew out and forget about. Instead, tell me some goals for 2011.
I have a few more since I wrote my last list.
My goals for 2011 are:
Take 4 dance classes.
Take the yogi training course.
Start looking into opening a yoga studio, one that caters to the low income families. I don't think that yoga (because its such a huge practice) is doing enough to help everyone. 12-20 bucks for drop in is crazy to me.
Lose 5-30 lbs (i'll be realistic)
Swim/work out 5 days a week.
The additions at this time would be
Look into Buddhism and spirituality, and see how they fit into my life
Read more, Compute less.
Revert back into a vegan lifestyle.
Take more vitamins!
Goals. Easily attained. Short term, long term, ideas, anything - Share them with me here!
Most of you who are reading this, are able to even leave them as anonymous lists - you can check back on them, without fearing that anyone else knows what you have planned!
So do it. Share with me your Goals for 2011.