I'm sitting outside watching each individual snowflake fall, knowing that each one is unique, and inside I am filled with inner peace. It's an odd feeling for someone who used to worry about so many things that weren't in her control.
I have taken upon myself a 40 day mantra path, one that is to remove those things (known and unknown) that may stand in the way of fulfilling a specific desire. The mantra is a fusion of the principles of consciousness and energy so that they blossom in the mind, and consciousness, they will reveal how to actively work with the conditions in which you find yourself.
Shrim Hrim
With each repetition of the mantra, you move your thumb along the beads...
I didn't realize how therapeutic it would be. I felt a renewed sense of soul.
Holding them in my hands, I feel their calm sense of continuity.
Today is another day where I find more connection in my life, more in my soul. I am so happy you're taking this journey with me, even if you're just reading along.
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