Thanks to Sri for the award!

The Rules state to share 7 things about myself.
So here goes!
1) I absolutely adore myself. My everything, who I am, who I was, who I want to be. I have no shame in anything I have done, but I am humbled by my life and my experiences.
2) I have met most of the people I know on the internet. The people I hold closest to me in my life, yep, met them online.
3) I am not afraid of anything. True to Buddha. I have no fears, because I know what is meant to happen, will, and I have no control over things, but I do choose to be afraid or not to be.
4) The furthest distances I have traveled as as follows
North - Prince Rupert, B.C.
South - Disneyland, but I don't remember it SO - Camano Island, WA.
East - Saskatoon, SK.
West - Port Renfrew, B.C.
5) My child is my inspiration for all the changes I have made recently. To see her childlike happiness, is something I want to share with the world through teaching.
6) My favourite colour is Orange. It breathes life into me.
7) My dad is, and always will be my best friend. He's the first one I run to when I am down.
Now, I have shared with you the terms of my award, off to find 10 deserving blogs!
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