Wednesday, October 6, 2010

New Beginnings

Have you ever opened your eyes and realized that everything around you is different? Not just "Oh look, someone moved the coffee table" different, but really realized its different?

I realized that I have embarked on something amazing with Alexandria. We're wholly alone - Family exists online, friends are more than 500 long miles away, but that's just to the closest friend, family is 1500 kilometers. To be honest? I'm okay with it! Nothing is as freeing, and scary, and wonderful, and awkward, and amazing as this adventure has been for us so far. Two months, and we're starting to be closer than we ever have been. Close like we were when she was the tiny little baby that I helped nurture into the child she is now. (and damnit, I've done a good job)

Sure, I'm lonely. There's no one to hold me, or share in my joys, or just snuggle up and watch a movie... but without that, I have found that I am okay with myself. When I thought I was at my weakest, I realized that I am really at my strongest. When I thought that Alexandria wouldn't have enough with just me, I realized that all she needs in life is my loving embrace to make the distance from her family not seem so far. 

She is thriving, just like I knew she would. We've had a couple of bumps in the road, but when you take the road less traveled you often run into little snags here and there. She is such a strong and beautiful little girl. She is getting the chance just to be a kid now, for the first time in as many years as I can remember. 

Just remember to hug your children often. I have to remember constantly that they're not perfect. That the light that shines from within them is something to be treasured, even if I've had a bad day. Their innocent joy will grow out of them, much like they outgrow bikes, soon enough, and to let them just... be carefree, and enjoy their childhood is the number one thing you can do.

And to just love them. Every day. As many times a day as you can. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful!!!! It takes a lot of Strength to do what you have done!


Please keep it positive!