Thursday, October 27, 2011

Love and Other Drugs.

On Monday I turn 29. My birthday, my last year of my twenties. I am hitting the end of a challenging decade. I have learned so many things. I've gone from being what I thought was me, to evolving into something totally different. I've been a lover, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a friend, a liar, a cheater, shameful, ashamed, a partier, lazy, earnest, caring, cared for...and so many other things. I have had about 10 different jobs, found no careers, wanted to go to school for about 20 different things.... I have lived in 6 different cities, in dozens of different homes.

Currently, I am: a daughter, a mother, a lover, a friend, an employee, a sister, a maid, a chauffeur, a hairstylist, a personal assistant....and so much more.

I have learned:
that the best things in life happen when you're poorest (and you learn youre the richest)
that the best things in life can take the most work, but are the most rewarding.
that friends are as important as family.
that you choose happiness, not find it.
that love, it hurts, its scary, its amazing, its so many things wrapped up in one.
that parenting is the single hardest, but most amazing job in the world.
that people will always surprise you. expect nothing but the unexpected.
my life is far from perfect, but its perfectly mine.
that my partner is my best friend, and there's nothing better than making it through the day with someone who compliments your life.
that my daughter, keeps me on my toes...I see all my own good, and bad in her.

and I keep learning every day.

thank you to everyone who has been along for the ride, and welcome to everyone just joining it.

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