Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The eve of my discontent.

What do you do when you hate everything? Right now, I currently hate my job. Hate my home. Hate that I have no career. Hate that I have no drive. Hate that I have no money. Hate that I can't stop hating. Omg I don't even want to post this because its so... emo! I love my daughter! I love my partner! I love walks in the fresh spring air. I love that I HAVE a home. I love that I have a car. I love we live where there is food. I love that I have a job. (that pays pretty well) I need help deciding where to go next in life though. Deciding on a career Deciding on what steps to take. Usually I'm that smug chicky with all the answers - for everyone else...


  1. I'm thinking about going back to school to become an RMT because I feel so much like this so many days of the week.

    Maybe a major change (like becoming a full time student again) is something you should think about too?

  2. I'm scared to become a full time student, because I am already so in debt, and I have Alex all the time. I would LOVE to be an RMT, or a personal trainer, or SOMETHING that helps other people... I think I have to wait out the rest of my car loan, and then see about school after that financial monkey is off my back...

    But it's deciding what to do. I have no idea what I want to do.

  3. I hear ya Lauren. I'm looking at 2 years of poverty and pulling a LOT of strings to manage my own debt (I have a car loan, and previous school loan for the web design and internet marketing, etc). I've finally realized that it's ok for me to suffer today for a better tomorrow, rather than suffer all along with no control at all over it and no way out...

    I know we're in two totally different places, especially since you have Alex.


Please keep it positive!