Sunday, April 22, 2012


I am feeling dissatisfied with life lately. I don't do enough...I dont clean enough, or cook enough. I don't commit to doing enough things. No follow through..and It's starting to drive me nuts. It's almost too late to garden for this year and have anything successful come from it...but It's aching in me to get out.

I am dissatisfied with my job. Immensely. I know that i have the option to quit, but I just can't bring myself to do something that will leave me that insecure financially. I want to write. Or to help people... To reach out and do something I love....


I don't know what I love.

And that, makes me sad.


  1. You are amazing! You'll figure it out. Just being capable of being this honest and open means you are on the right track. :) (And... if you want to garden, maybe you can pick up some 'starts' - they are veggies that are already a couple of weeks old, and you just plant them instead of seeds.)

  2. This sounds like something I could have written. <3 Come back to BC.


Please keep it positive!