Wednesday, June 23, 2010

just breathe

How to do this without sounding like I'm complaining, or seeking sympathy, or feeling sorry for myself...

I am frustrated.

Have you ever had someone violate your personal space? Like, you did something for them  Maybe you were having a bad day, and someone looked at you funny and said "God YOU'RE in a bad mood" and maybe you just wanted to punch them in the face. Or you slaved all day on something delicious and your party goes "Uhm, I don't really like this!". *FWAP* I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, AMUSE ME DAMNIT.

I feel like covering my ears and closing my eyes and stomping my feet. I feel like screaming and cursing and flailing. I feel like crying into someones shoulder, and having them hold me tighter as my sobs increase. Just to get it out.

And then of course, there's that part of me who tells these notions to shut up, to just move on, get over it, deal with it. You'll be fine, you gotta suck it up, you gotta just deal, just get through today, tomorrow will be the same shit but maybe you'll see it with new eyes. What if you appear weak, what if someone sees you crumble. breathe.

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