Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

Every year, this day comes and goes without much of a thought by me. I've always found it a hallmark holiday, however a friend of mine pointed out that Valentines Day and Halloween are two holidays not celebrated enough. I would agree with that being a Halloween baby (coincidentally so is she).

I have loved. I am lucky to have loved the people I have, and to have been loved in return by a good many as well. I have hurt, and been hurt. I have recovered and kept that love secret, but it always remains. I have always held the belief, that if it's real love, not just infatuation, not just lust - that it remains. It's not overwhelming like when you first meet someone, and when you're just this bleeding heart of lust, but more so, that you can overlook the things that caused the relationship to fail, and just remember and reminisce on the love you both once shared. It's easier to keep loving someone silently than to fill your world with hate.

I have shared this theory over many years, with many people. Your heart is capable of holding love for more than just one person. You never have to act upon it, and you may not be "in love", but you are capable of changing your perceptions, and choosing to love, instead of hate.
This application applies to more than just lovers, or partners. It applies to friends, and family, and other situations as well.

I have had this friend, for many years - gosh 6 or 7 years now. She was my female soulmate. My best friend. There wasn't a day that went by that we didn't msn, or have tea, or coffee, or hang out, or SOMETHING. This woman shared in my hurt, and my joy, and I hers. She was as true a friend as friends could be. We lost touch a couple of times. It may just have been my selfishness, and my growing as I seem to be a chameleon of people when times get tough, but we lost the friendship over an angry situation about 2 years ago.

The best valentines gift (or any gift in my opinion) is having those TRUE people in your life. Having them be a part of your support network, your joy circle. I think there is merit in saying I'm sorry to those people that you hold close enough to still think about every day, even while doing the most mundane of tasks.

If you have people like that in your life, lost loves, lost friends, people you just haven't said hello to in so long its awkward - take today - its an excuse to say "Oh, by the way, Happy Valentines Day." Or send them an ecard, a text, an email - just anything.

Well, that friend and I started talking again yesterday - and now, shes the mother of a beautiful little girl. Her and her husband were blessed with this perfect little minirach. I am so happy to have her back in my life again, as I am with all people who were true friends. Romance and love don't exist solely with sexual partners. You must romance and love your friends too ;)

Happy Valentines Day.

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