Sunday, December 19, 2010

Coming into Awareness

I have always had a hard time with meditation. It is something that I still struggle with, to still the mind.
My mind is always active, it never ceases to have thoughts. I have tried so many different ways to acknowledge the thought, and move on, however, I can't seem to get to the point where I don't dwell on single thoughts.

"Is my coffee maker on?" Can't do anything right now, move on. 
"Gosh, I have so much laundry to do" Well, that stinks, now I know I'll do it later, move on.
"Oh god, am I going to be okay till payday?" - - -

So many things like this pass through my mind. I can't still them.

Now, on top of the hour to two hours I spend at the gym, I also toss in some swimming. I have noticed when I am simply floating on my back, head under the water, there can be 500 kids in the swimming pool, and there is NOTHING in my head. That is the place I yearn to find when I am meditating. I find that I can float there for 10, even 15 mins, without a care in the world.

How do you find your moments of Zen?

Maybe the words you share will inspire others!


  1. Water is my Zen place too...I think maybe that's what I'm doing wrong, trying to find it somewhere else. Maybe once you learn how to achieve that quiet place in one location, then you can branch out and learn how to do it anywhere? I don't know, if I figure it out I will let you

  2. water is my happy place too but public pools gross me out. i miss the pool at my old apartment. sometimes a bath can cause the same effect if it's big enough to be comfortable and the water isn't really hot (or is, if that's your thing). i find myself really missing wild spaces, seems there's no nature left in the lower mainland that's less then an hour's drive (or three hours busing). i like deep woods and quiet streams. my instant lower-stress-now-or-totally-lose-it mantra has become the classic "om nammah shiva ya" which translates to "i honor the divinity that resides within me". strangely, i rarely think of the meaning while i'm saying it but the words themselves soothe me and form a nice calm chant in my head.


Please keep it positive!