Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Paths that Lead Us.

Do you ever get the feeling that you're supposed to do more with what you were given?

I've spent years trying to figure out what I was supposed to do with all the gifts I was blessed with. What do I want to "be", what do I want to "do". I used to look at income prospects, but all the things that would make amazing money, required amazing output financially in the beginning, and well, I just didn't have that. I used to look at ways to help people. Being a nurse, or a social worker. A police officer was up there for years.

I took a chance when I moved here 5 months ago. A chance for a new life, a chance for a change, a chance to see different things. I didn't realize that it would be the beginning of both a physical and spiritual transformation for me. I had nothing pulling at me to make choices, all I had to do, was be.

Just be.

It's taken a long time, but I am at peace with myself. I love me, not in a conceited sort of way - but more, the things I can't change, I adore anyways, and the things I can, I always take the path to changing it.

The only thing I haven't done, is given into my desire to be a spiritual being. I spent too much time focusing on the logic behind the religion itself. The reasons WHY I didn't want to be a Christian/Catholic/Jew/Muslim/atheist, instead of why I wanted to find more to life. The only religion that ever made sense to me, even with limited knowledge on the subject is Buddhism, so when my sense of curiosity over religion overcame me again, this was the one I was drawn towards.

I think that my passion is going to lay in studying Buddhism for the next while. Learning, living, being.



  1. Spirituality and religion are vastly different. I don't have any need to "choose" a religion, but I do believe there is more to this then birth, growth and death. Logic can take you far, as it has, but I think you'll also find a sense of relief, a sense of release, taking this journey for yourself. Perhaps the above is known already and redundant to say, but regardless, knowing your personality and who you are, this journey you are embarking on makes sense, logically and spiritually. :)

  2. Deepak Chopra:

    Who am I?
    What do I want?
    How can I serve?

    nuff said.


Please keep it positive!