Sunday, December 26, 2010

Finding tomorrow through today.

I have embarked upon this path, with eyes wide open, and no expectations. I find every day that there is much to focus on, things that I can soften, more ways to be compassionate.

I have found that I am finding ways to ask for forgiveness to those I have wronged, and am forgiving those I feel have harmed me. It's very freeing to let go of a lot of anger, and anguish, and guilt. No one told me that it was so easy! (okay, well I was told it was easy, but I never really believed it.)

There is no better way to free your soul than to say thank you for lessons learned, and to say sorry if you've wronged someone. Compassion and caring, are the keys to seeing life with eyes wide open.

If I've ever hurt you, I am sorry.

How do you let things go? Do you hold onto the things that would be freeing to release?

1 comment:

  1. I do hold onto things I should release, fear, anger, past wrongs, etc. The only person I can't do that with is Sarli, and I think that's because I truly love him. Maybe that's the key? Learning to love instead of feel anger or shame or anything else negative.


Please keep it positive!