Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I love you, a bushel and a peck.

Sometimes you see incurable things in your friends. Pain and sufferage, struggles, fears, issues, so many thing that you just can't do anything about but sit there and listen. It's hard, because my friends are like family, and when someone hurts my family, it hurts me too, but I wouldn't change being there for them, for the world.

Nothing to me is more fulfilling and wonderful than the love you get from the people you make your family, and not just your immediate family (although those ones in my life are the best too). I love sharing life, and their trials and tribulations with them. Crying with them, laughing with them, figuring out seemingly impossible life feats, everything.

When I see them go through struggles or pain however, it gets me inside. It makes me reflective, and passionate about helping. Sometimes I feel useless for not being able to help them solve the issues at hand, and sometimes I feel good, knowing that I've helped someone I love stop crying.

That's the point of this blog. To help you through your tears, to share in your joys, to give you that sense of love, even if you don't know me, even if you have never met me - love is universal, everyone deserves love.

1 comment:

Please keep it positive!