Friday, January 21, 2011


What do you do when you it feels like your whole world is unraveling with the pull of a string?

Grab a needle and thread and create something new!

I think that there are so many of life`s situations, that get us flustered for one reason or another. I know so many of us have things like kids, and issues with money, struggling to get by, work, love, etc. We all suffer with little annoyances that when all grouped together, become this HUGE problem. I have experienced it so many times. The anxiety that comes when you feel like you just can't breathe, because everything is crashing down around you. 

How do you get out from under a situation like that?

I find outlets. Before, I used to internalize it, or lash out at those I love the most. My partner used to get the brunt of my dissatisfaction with myself. It could be because I was so young, or not prepared enough to deal with the situations we faced, but regardless, my outlets were brutal at best. I didn't like who I was, where I was in my life, I wanted more, faster, better, now. NOW. 

I took some steps to rectify that situation, which resulted in a lot of large life changes. Sure, I've made more mistakes, and if I ever stop making mistakes, someone needs to hit me with something hard, but I think in 6 short months, I have made some extreme strides into a more peaceful existence. 

When those points in time come, where I feel like I can't make ends meet, like I am not a good parent, or like I am not doing good enough for myself (and trust me, I am SO very hard on me), I take a step out of my own head. It may be a day, it may be an hour, but I take that step back. I take that time to just focus on doing something for myself that makes me happy. I find that when I find something to satisfy my need for small happiness, I can focus on the issues at hand a lot better. 

Then I take that string that has unraveled and I follow it to the end. I slowly untie the knots that are there, pulling apart the issues, and finding small solutions. Things I can fix right now, things that I can take some time with, and things that I have no control over, and I separate them. The things I can fix now pile is where I start.I call that phone company, and say "right now I can't pay you, but I think I'll be able to _____" or I clean that kitchen and put the dishes away listening to music as loud as I can. I take care of that pile, because its usually the smallest. Then I work on the things I put aside because they're less time sensitive. Changes to my parenting, or to what I'd like to take more time to organize. The things I have no control over part is the one I have the hardest time with. Even still. I am learning that I have to take things today, what I can change or do today. A lot of it takes time, and a commitment to change. When I fall off track, and I do with a lot of them a million and one times, I remind myself that the sweetest rewards come from the labour you put into it. 

Remember, nothing that is truly worth it, is easy. Everything that has a sweet outcome, usually takes the effort you put into it. YOU can do it. If you're a friend of mine, and you're reading this, it's because I have faith in your strengths. You have no weaknesses. You are a strong individual who could take over the world if you put your mind to it... but start with conquering life's little challenges, and then come talk to me about world domination ;)

.. Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?

I think so Brain, but how are we going to get the elephants into the leotard?

1 comment:

  1. they're pinky, they're pinky and the brain, brain, brain, brain, braiiin. I've always loved the saying that nothing good comes easy, so i am glad you are finding ways to think through your "unraveling" :) if i take over the world though, we're all kind of screwed ;) lol. literally and figuratively.


Please keep it positive!