Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Truth Within Us

Its been a blustery few days here. I'm watching snow drifts build, the wind blow uncontrollably, its chaotic and beautiful.

I have had a personal truth revealed to me lately. It wasn't by anyone telling me, or me contemplating it, it was through a conversation with a friend where I realized something incredible and powerful about my past, that has affected my future, and a lot of aspects of my life without my consciousness. It was powerful.

It was painful as much as it was beautiful. Freeing almost. Something about this path I have chosen to go down, I feel deep within me is going to help a lot of people.

Unrelated but also connected, I went through a rough situation when I'd been in Alberta for a couple of months. Most of you close to me know about this. I met someone who I became close with, and then had it turn into an unreal experience that's resulting in that person facing charges.

When this first happened, I met with a Crown Counsel liason, when I met her, I was a little awestruck. Beyond her eccentric and beautiful appearance, she also projected this amazing light. She had this aura, or essence of someone with a lot of empathy. We talked about my situation for court, and she's stayed in touch with me whenever something changes.

This afternoon she called me to let me know about progressions in the case, we discussed it, and then got into a topic about who we are. I told her about my plan to start a yoga studio here, that caters to lower income members, she thought it was an amazing idea, and to see if I could go into the women's shelter here and teach some there to the women and kids. Wow, amazing. Yes. She then told me she does parenting workshops that focus on allowing the children to be, and teaching discipline without taking away and giving privileges. I'm very interested in it. We discussed how we're both empaths, and live our lives to help people.

It just re-confirmed that I am on the right path. That my personal truths are what is taking me to where I want to be. That this is an amazing opportunity, and it's on a platter in front of me, only this time I'm reaching out and taking it.

I say to those of you, your truths? You can find them. You can undo years of abuse/self loathing/poor self image/sadness/whatever your hold back. You just have to want to see it, sometimes it takes a trigger, a conversation with a friend, a spiritual advisor, meditation, prayer, whatever! You can free yourself from your personal chains, no matter who placed them there!

You are worth it.


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1 comment:

  1. Those personal truths are tough to face. It feels like layer after layer breaking like glass, and the shards slice you up. But, oh....the other side is incredible! That is so cool about the shelter!!! Your future is going to be amazing :)


Please keep it positive!