Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Kickin Back the Cobble Stones

We got a mess of snow last night, well, over the past two days really. It's quite beautiful, until you have to go driving in it of course. 

I was driving home from work this morning, slowly, unable to see the lines on the road, (or where the road edge really was) and it seemed to take forever to get there. Now, after working 12 hours, all night I sit here wondering why we all rush through things. I don't mean anything specific. It could be sometimes as simple as walking to your car, or as complex as rushing into a relationship. I've noticed as hedonistic as our culture in this day and age seems to be, the hoarding of new technologies, and clothes, and all the things we take our pleasures in, so few of us look to go slowly. To truly be aware of the things around us. 


I certainly need to work on my awareness. I need to be aware of the things that cause me stress. I need to accept that things that I dislike are going to happen, and move on from there. Right now, I find that I fixate on what makes me angry instead of letting it all go. I found that today, I just couldn't let go of the stress of driving in the snow. Something so simple. It was beautiful, early enough that I really shouldn't have worried much about other traffic, but yet, I was angry at the fact that it was going to take me twice as long to get home. 

When I got home and climbed into bed, I was irritated that sleep wasn't happening fast enough. The bad mood had spread. I had been "infected" by negativity, so to speak. 

For the next 7 days, I am going to practice conscious frustration. When I get frustrated, I am going to make it a conscious action. I will allow it to be, and not allow it to manifest.  I will welcome it, embrace it, I will give it validation, and then I will bid it adieu, making a conscious effort to put a smile upon my face. 

What do you do to let go of your frustrations and anger? What works for you? Is it a scent? A sound? An action? Please feel free to share your ways of "letting go".


1 comment:

  1. I like that, a conscious frustration. For a while, I was practicing living in the present, when I would get stuck at EVERY stop light during my day and get behind every slow person on the planet, I would use that small stillness to take deep breaths and live in the moment. It really does wonders, try it! Lavender oil also makes me really happy lol.



Please keep it positive!