Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Scents and Glee.

Dear Diary... Just kidding :)

Today marked a bit of a happy turn of events for me!! Let me start at the beginning, because I guess yesterday was the day that sparked the magic.

I was walking through the mall, with one of my closest galpals, and we happened to stop in at this little aromatherapy kiosk during our travels. Now, me, having the gift of the gab, chatted up the sales lady that was there. Turns out they were in the market for a Manager, and well, I just happened to be knowledgeable in this area. She invited me to come back for an interview (even with nasty I just about died at the gym face).

So today, I head over there, we go through my resume, she asks me to sell her a product, I do, she asks for some references, and luckily, I have a bunch of the most amazing people to reference for me. One being a manager (and long time friend) from a company called Natural Wellbeing Distribution. (tell them *I* sent you) This place was amazing fun to work at, and well, my last REAL job!

So this wonderful woman, calls my other wonderful woman, they exchange what I can only assume are wonderful things about me (yeah the conceit lives on within me just a little bit) and low and behold...

I am now the manager of my very own little aromatherapy kiosk!

Now, not only does this thrill me because well, I love things holistic, and natural... But it also meant I got to quit the job I currently had, with a boss who was.. less than pleasant.

So at the moment, I am doing what I love, and doing what I'm great at! (telling people what to do wasn't what I was talking about Mom.) Sales!


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